Oral Cancer Screening
Our dental professionals will:
1. Physically examine and inspect the outside and inside of your gums and cheeks, extending all the way from top to bottom and front to back.
2. Examine and inspect the floor of your mouth underneath your tongue and the roof of your mouth.
3. Touch and inspect the lymph nodes in your neck and jaw, examine the inside and outside of your lips, your major salivary glands (cheeks and floor of mouth), as well as your jaw joint (TMJ) and the area around your ears.
4. Visually inspect your face for signs of asymmetry or swelling.
5. Pull out tongue with gauze and inspect posterior, sides, bottom and top.
6. Have you extend your tongue and say “ahhh” in order to inspect the back of your mouth and your throat
7. Ask about your smoking and/or drinking habits, your lifestyle and any specific health conditions you have or medications you are taking which could affect the condition of your mouth or head and neck area.
Screenings should be done at every six month check-up. If you feel that your dental professional is not doing a thorough screening, or if they don’t do one at all, voice your concerns and ask for one. All of our dental hygienists and dentists are trained to do oral cancer screenings.